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#Andras Schweitzer

English version Schweitzer András

Andras Schweitzer: Lessons of the Oslo Game

At the time when John Kerry is trying hard to foster a “framework agreement” for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict comprehensive peace seems as far as 20 years ago. Yet, the Oslo Peace Process that was set in motion then should not be viewed as something in vain. Viewed through the prism of game theory it reached its optimum result and it brought peace closer by offering vital lessons for today.

English version

Andras Schweitzer: Arab Regime Changes and Theories of World Order

One of the troubles of social sciences is that theories can hardly be tested. Nevertheless, lacking controlled experiments, spontaneous transformations of societies still provide useful material sometimes. We can expect some of such food for thought when sooner or later (rather later, many say) the smoke settles in the disturbed Arab world, and it becomes clear which political ideologies become dominant and what sort of social order emerges after the ouster of the hated dictators.